BTD Ice Warriors (since Jon at BTD was able to track me down an Ice Lord for the normal price as opposed to the tenner eBay would demand)... not much to them really, a lot of green (must do Tre's gobbo's at some point), bit of red... the GW washes came in handy...
need to finish the bases and varnish, but I like these as is really... half toying with doing some snow on the bases, but that's a bit dressy for my bases... tried to do some wrinkles/scales on the Ice Lords skin, but you can barely see it in the pics... I did a hint of teeth as well which seems just enough...
one of these guys will double as Harma in full Dalek Killer mode... the lenses were a bit of a pig as, when you really look at them, I don't think a single one matches another... reds have come out better than I thought though... all in all, I'm happy enough and feeling mojo'd...