Monday 21 October 2024

Market Hall WIP 3

 Market Hall pimping and October is flying by… anyhoo, settled on what I wanted to do for the viewing gallery, stairs from Petite Properties and a new gallery floor giving more space and an overhang. Chair and table for the judge, but no room really for a useable dock in the middle.

Fun fact - dock comes from the Dutch for chicken coop.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Sharpe Bayonet

Obligatory Sharpe reference. A mix of Wargames Atlantic and Perry bits and a Victrix hand for Sweet William, although the arm needs more work.


Market Hall WIP 2

First two floors almost done. Haven’t settled on the stairs yet. I want to do a courtroom and have the mezzanine as a viewing gallery. If I do an accused box, it won’t be able to take a 25mm base, that would be too big. I’m thinking of just a judges chair and table and a clerks desk. But waiting on that to arrive before committing. Still need to hit the balsa with a wire brush as well.


Sunday 8 September 2024

Market Hall WIP 1

Some pimping begins… managed to track down a 4ground market hall at a similar price to when it was in production, so it needs to be brought up to match my other 4ground stuff… interiors textured and a little balsa for the door and window lintels for a bit of depth. Need a lot of balsa to start the timbers externally so just tarted the door to the cell.

Other pics of my older 4ground buildings can be found here, here and here

Would be nice if some picked them up to continue the line…

Sunday 25 August 2024

Lord Summerisle’s ghillie…

 Not overly happy with the paint job, didn’t want him in uniform, figured some earthier colours would work, but couldn’t get a brown tweedy look, so went with blue. The tartan is made up, because they all are, but again with more countryside autumnal shades.

A bit satiny, but it’s been damp here so had to use brush on varnish. May redo the jacket.

Mind The Oranges Marlon!

 Yep… I bought some trees from Temu. They were utter poo of course, but some may be useable with some pimping.

These are orange trees. The original flock is awful, so I just reflocked them with my own blend while avoiding the oranges which were on the whole very securely attached.

Bit of paint on the trunk and based. For the pence add on to the order from China, bargain. Perfect set dressing for the Peninsular.

I have no idea how big orange trees are, but they’ll do…