Friday 24 July 2015

more cottaging...

and finally the 2nd house gets some slap... apologies for the pics, I've moved my light-tent/lighting setup and need to adjust the camera settings, but you get the idea... it needs doors making and windows fitting - quite why I always leave the doors til after I've painted I don't know...

this one has a removable outbuilding, for variety, it can be used with or without just to change things up a wee bit...

inside gets a rather spiffy kit from Petite Properties - 1/48 dolls house stairs, had to raise the walls of the ground floor a little (which also gives it a bit of variety from the first house) and leave out a couple of steps to fit, but it works well I reckon.

Red Shadow Hyena WIP

a GI Joe HISS Tank toy hacked and cleaned up a bit

the battery compartment (it had electronics and a guns - which I removed as they were oversized), was removed and the surround plastic cut back so the tank had a bit of ground clearance. the g/s'ing for the resultant holes isn't pretty, but is serviceable...

Mad Mummers WIP

some quick WIP pics of the Mad Mummers - two heavily converted from Warlord plastic ECW sprues and 3 from metal minis...