Sunday 26 August 2012

Mast Beast...

and the Mast Beast is painted...

happy with this one, painted two at once - the one on the d/s base will be destined for the Fenris display case and webstore...

and the resin master - see, a new foot!

Black Dog

painted the Black Dog... not 100% happy with it to be honest, the eyes work quite well, but the paintjob as a whole isn't winning me over, but I figure I better step away from it... and annoyingly it's still shiny, after several coats of dullcote...

I did resculpt the muzzle from the WIP shot though, the nose is narrower, but the snout is slightly shorter and taller, makes it a bit less wolf-life hopefully...

and for size comparison...

so, he'll do for now - I have more of the basic Wild Warg model, so can always revisit this...