Friday 3 August 2012

blacksmiths part 2

very productive couple of days... quite surprised actually, I'm such a good procrastinator... anyway, the basic build of the blacksmiths is done...

foampvc with bits of plasticard in spots and dressed with balsa, need to do the render, and add woodgrain texture to the supports and beams of the forge area which are plastic girder and foampvc for strength (balsa would have been a non-starter)...

not sure what to do with the chimney, will probably do a couple of extra layers of brick on the chimney so it has a hole as it were... the forge pieces aren't attached yet, I need to texture and paint the main building first, the base is made from thin plasticard layered to a decent thickness and to allow the forge and bellows to sit in cutaways designed for them... it's reasonably sturdy now, and should be quite solid when finished...

the building is based on the 4ground buildings (obviously), so the room has the same footprint and it will take the same windows... learnt a bit as I was going, and had to add a wee bit to the side walls as I hadn't allowed for the gap once the roof was added (may remove those from the forge sides and add them to the roof)... but it's been a fun job - although the roof was a complete pig, I've got it good now, but it was a bit disconcerting... the roof alone is making me rethink my plan for the pub...