Tuesday, 21 December 2010
fun with Siligum
some Timelord wall decoration courtesy of Siligum - a fun instant molding stuff recommended to me by Germy over on Frothers... very useful stuff, even if these tests haven't been 100% successful - the face on the right on isn't well defined and the the tween collar bits on the left one aren't level even though the face is spot on, but this could be down to using g/s for the pressmold... come the new year I'll try with some other stuff to see what's what, but it could ultimately be the depth of the mold that's causing the problem which is fine... I bought this stuff to do the books for the shelves of the library, this was just a bit of fun and I can redesign it easily enough... probably will now I've had a play... was an interesting learning curve...
partly why I've gone for a Tomb of Rassilon effect is this diorama I stumbled on while looking for reference pics a while ago... I think his quoted scales are a bit out (20mm and 1/50 doesn't sound right) and any statue to Omega wouldn't show him in his antimatter universe armour, but I do like it...
Sunday, 19 December 2010
the library at Cthluedo Mansion part 1
Not very exciting to look at I admit, but quite time consuming... also experiment with some small scale pressmolding, the results of which I will hopefully manage to show before Christmas... the main need for that is also the library (42 units of 3-4 shelves equals a fecking lot of books), however my experiments are with something very very Who-ish which should also prove useful in time...
Monday, 29 November 2010
The Giant Robot!
essentially a quick pj (red stripes were a git) to get a November post, still plodding with several half arsed projects, still payday tomorrow so will get the fresh g/s I need... of course that won't change much as the Salute build has started so I really need to start knuckling down and actually doing stuff...
Friday, 22 October 2010
October update...
got my longed for Warlord plastic Germans and the top secret armoured heads are undersized, so will need to do my own - for 20 of the buggers... that was one project that got stuck pretty quick...
so... started on jazzing up my Wirrn, hefty bit of g/s'ing done, but need to work on the legs and had problems with the g/s around wire, tried using brass rod, but that looked too regular - after a call out for help on Frothers I think I can move on it, but to eliminate any problems I need to get some new g/s as my batch isn't the freshest...
so then returned to my hedges, finished off some flocking on that and picked up some trees - but need to get some bases sorted out for those...
and then back to the quarry... finished off the 'something extra' piece and did some test fitting and things aren't quite as good a fit as I'd first hoped... so plenty of filling, plenty of sanding, one bit of rebasing and some major restructuring to one side it should almost be done - this I intend to get painted in November... just need to texture the base, add rubble and... oh bugger...
in the meantime, if you haven't seen gamerMac's Zeppelin, do check this out... most frothworthy pics on the bottom of page 34 - makes me want more space...
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Crooked Dice Astronauts...
the bases need a finishing touch and they need a dullcote - the base is shiney, but looks much better from above... sigh...
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Windmill 123...
1/48 Corgi diecast Bell 47 that was one of many bargains from Salute (cheers Karl)... basic repaint over the existing job - made easy as the plastic/metal used the same olive green as me (although have noticed a blip in the pic on the top of the skid which stands out, may have rubbed some paint off without realising...), the danger sticker was on the original (carefully painted around) and homemade UNIT decals were added...
couldn't for the life of me remove the bubble canopy to paint the interior (the single screw did nothing when unscrewed) so it was either paint it or have a crappy plastic interior... on the plus side, it matches the Mobile HQ and Lanny windows and will never look like it's piloted by the invisible man...
speaking of which a flight stand is in hand...
Sunday, 22 August 2010
the 'what every good Doctor Who story needs' project part 4
the eagle-eyed amongst you may notice the promontory is now longer than the earlier shots, it looked too stumpy and is now a full length of A4 with the end piece now seperate... still fits in two boxes though with space to spare so I need to come up with something a little extra...
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
the 'what every good Doctor Who story needs' project part 3
I think the larger slabs need a bit more definition, have been adding bits that jut out a bit to make it more rugged and less of a flat surface (looks good from looking up from the base), which have helped break up the large flat surface, but not sure how much of that I can get away with... there is some grooving and so on in there, but it's been partially killed by the flash... I also scored the 3rd 25mm layer into two layers for a bit more variety, but again, that's barely visible...
it certainly won't be any higher than that, as that's the depth of the paper box it will be stored in, allowing for the base and the rock/dirt/grass transitional layer on the top...
Monday, 9 August 2010
a Rose by any other name...
Thursday, 29 July 2010
UNIT pilot....
after trying just the visor shield and giving him a logo (all very Top Gun), but that didn't work so finally settled on the familar UNIT mustard for the helmet... tried mirrored shades as well, but they didn't look right either, so stayed with black (which helps hide the fact that the face is slightly off centre in the helmet)...
need to varnish and then finish the base, but July was looking bare as I've been doing stuff, but not finishing much...
the figure is from the Mo-Fo Mogadishu range, have plans for the wounded downed pilots in the same pack...
Monday, 28 June 2010
the 'what every good Doctor Who story needs' project part 2
I had the pieces stacked up earlier while I was working on the trailing end and the long gallery looked quite good high up the cliff face... I won't do it on these ones, but may do another piece with a high gallery just for some variety... it's also just big enough to fit the Dalek saucer in... very Thunderbirds...
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
the 'what every good Doctor Who story needs' project
the trusty quarry...
now, I had one main limiting factor with this - space... I ain't got much...
so the first consideration was storage - as I can easily get hold of boxes that used to contain reams of A4 paper, the quarry will be based around a footprint of a sheet of A4, it can (and will) be smaller than a sheet of A4, but everything should nestle in together nicely...
next of course came the look of it, and what choice... rock quarries, sand pits, gravel pits... and yet, oddly, I do have a favourite quarry and what a quarry it is... half of pre-War London is built from it, it was a WW2 naval installation and starred in Doctor Who twice and Blakes Seven once...
Winspit in Dorset...
great massive blocks of stone that doubled as Skaro, Atlantis and Mecron II
now I'm realistic enough to realise it's not going to be a rock for rock, crack for crack match up... especially with the in a box requirement, so I wouldn't bother with the Skin Room cave, concentrating on the North Front area and the massive outcrop that hides the Skin Room... this area should give me a nice corner terrain piece, which can double as an abandoned Skaro, a Silurian shelter on Earth and (with a bit of dressing) a Dwarf mine...
so, after much playing with paper cut outs I had a plan...
the plan was, of course, completely flawed...
aside from what you see there, there is an end piece which trails off to the table edge (similar to the entrance to the real quarry) and plans for 'in table' pieces so this rock wall doesn't just spring from no-where...
on reflection of it at that stage (you're looking at 2 A4 long pieces, one an L shape A4 wide) I realised that the distance between the long open cave and the smaller central cave was too short, similarly the distance from the corner to the central cave as also too small... even allowing for my fudging for gaming/storage, it looked wrong...
so foam was cut and swapped about and the central cave got a section of it's own, the L shape was lopped down.... the resulting 'wall' is now 2 foot long from corner to end of the long thin cave section... which is a happy coinkydink for future plans... I've made the central cave taller than in real life as well, so, well, tall things can exit safely...
the corner section is midglue so declined this photo opportunity...
I reckon, to reflect the cliff face, it needs at least another 3-4 layers of the 25mm thick foam, with some more 5mm layers added in for some variety...
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
knobrot iDaleks...
free with this weeks Doctor Who Adventures magazine (comic) are 5 new style Daleks... in horrible orange plastic... right... they are a bit crappy looking, but that's because they look exactly like the iDalek and that looks crap... there are 5... but of the 5 I had, only 1 had the two halves aligned correctly, and it's taken me 20 minutes to pop the other 4 apart so I can try and glue them straight... they are big, obviously... but eyeline wise match the Heresy Nerdlord...
and the MU old new style Dalek - which I still prefer...
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Oi! Spaceman!
converted from the KissKissBangBang not-Pussy Galore from Artizan... helpful assistance from Andrew Rae on the hair... with the base figure I could have gone for the Partners In Crime pinstripe or the Sontaran Strategem outfit... I figured the pinstripe would be a bit much with the Doctor in it as well so it had to be the other one...
bit of a mixed bag on this one I reckon... not 100% happy with my g/s'ing (noticed little niggles when I was painting her) and I spent far too long doing and redoing her trousers (didn't help that the reference pics had been doctored and had the trousers either grey or beige) before I figured that would do... all in all, I like what I've done, but could be so much better - may start from scratch at some point, the base figure is fine, I just need to get better with the g/s...
needs varnishing and grass adding... but out of Dullcote til payday and the gloss would kill any pics... I may feel better about it after the Dullcote...
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Salute 2010
The other Frothers game was brilliantly done and looked great - World War 1 Subutteo:
and other fun stuff was to be seen...
of course, some time was spent taking plenty of reference pics of the Doctor Who Miniatures game (the Mobile HQ did special duty on the day) and that oil rig...
and Antenociti's Governance of Technology game look superb, every building with fully accessible interiors... cracking work...
got to chat to plenty of folks... said hi to Andy at Heresy and checked out the not-Doctors I painted for him in his display cabinet (forgot to get pictures of them myself before I sent them off to him)... as for purchases, I got a lovely Bell heli for UNIT from Karl at the DWMG table (not a proper purchase in terms of trade stands, but most welcome), some of Mantic placcy skeletons to go with the free ghouls sprue and some control panels from Antenociti that I reckon can get Daleked up quite nicely... Ian from Fenris mugged me and I ended up with load of really lovely deep ones... and lots of sundry other little things picked up or thrust at me so that was great (I have classic GW pygmies! completely politically incorrect and lovely!)
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Salute 2010 - Frothers presents Frotherheim...
Frotherheim - where looters and adventurers seek rich pickings in the wrecked buildings and mysterious rocks that have fallen from above.
Frotherheim - where the survivors blame the warbands for all the ills that have befallen them and happily execute them in cruel and unusual ways in Execution Square.
Never was a town more cursed than Frotherheim.
In every alley way scum waits to cut your throat.
In every shadow lurks a monster ready to rip you asunder.
Fame and fortune or shame and an ignoble and rather painful death await all who venture within!
Frotherheim is a game run by Frothers for Salute 2010 using the Song of Blades and Heroes ruleset.
Prizes have been generously donated by such companies as Blood Moon, Otherworld (yes, you have a chance to win the uber massive Otherworld giant!), Dave Thomas, Fenris Games and Red Box Games.
Come and see us on table GD03 where death, glory and spankingly good prizes await you!
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Salute next week...
wonder if I should make the A more visible... hey ho...
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Ruined Tower...
Thursday, 28 January 2010
the Ice Warriors cometh...
BTD Ice Warriors (since Jon at BTD was able to track me down an Ice Lord for the normal price as opposed to the tenner eBay would demand)... not much to them really, a lot of green (must do Tre's gobbo's at some point), bit of red... the GW washes came in handy...
need to finish the bases and varnish, but I like these as is really... half toying with doing some snow on the bases, but that's a bit dressy for my bases... tried to do some wrinkles/scales on the Ice Lords skin, but you can barely see it in the pics... I did a hint of teeth as well which seems just enough...
one of these guys will double as Harma in full Dalek Killer mode...
the lenses were a bit of a pig as, when you really look at them, I don't think a single one matches another... reds have come out better than I thought though... all in all, I'm happy enough and feeling mojo'd...