Friday 31 May 2013

foliage test

ok, following on from the sponge, it's painted dark green (which is not as easy as you'd think), leaf flock on top - needs some touching up, but on the whole it looks good from a distance, but close up, there are spots that just look too much like sponge... I'd hoped the holes would give a more layered feeling to the foliage, some depth, but not 100% it's worked...

may fill some too spongey bits with clump and reflock... or just go all clump...

Tuesday 21 May 2013

A Field In England trailer

bit disappointed to be honest, looks too arthouse in such clean, well lit black and white - from the poster I was hoping for something a bit closer to 60's cinema, even in B&W, there was a quality that you just don't see there...

Friday 17 May 2013

Dredd 3D

actually finished these a while back, but was hoping to get the Lawmasters done, but not realise the month is really storming past...

I suspect that one will have to end up as Dredd, as the other guy is left handed...

hopefully, some transport will be forthcoming for these chaps - and I do have an idea for the Ma-Ma Clan...

some Folky WIPs

hadn't forgotten this, just slightly sidelined...

first off, the long planned bit of woodland... even though I have a small area, Silent Invader's excellent FIW woodland on a noticeboard just goes to show what can fit, but I've been a bit more modest - so far...

a test with some sponge... with leaf flock it should look ok I reckon... the sponge is just to give the foliage some body...

and the rest:

I kind of liked the GW plastic trees for their creepiness, so I knew I needed some gnarled big old things and made three using some balsa for the main trunk, lots and lots of wire (god that took a long time) and tissue paper and pva glue... there is some texture in there, it's just hard to see in the pics... as you can see, they are on CD bases, and I may have gone a bit OTT, but go back a couple of hundred years and you should have had some pretty old and big trees out and about... I hope...

and some Woodland Scenics jobbies for some younger growth, this time on minidisc bases, with the join hidden by the same tissue and pva and to help match them up to the larger ones... I have some more of these, but want to see how many I'd really need before I go nuts. The branches on these meant they didn't really look right on CD's, but Silent Invader's ones do continue to inspire...

and, for the river section dock, a removable jetty... it slots in perfectly and should give a bit of variety

Monday 6 May 2013

Judge Minty

the fan film Judge Minty has been released and is rather tops...

some bloody impressive CGI in there...