Sunday 16 August 2015


A reasonably productive weekend:

N scale 1/160, two resin Coupe's and a plastic VW Beetle, post-apocalypsed up and painted. Vaguely aiming for something akin to the boardgame team colours, do have a third Coupe but haven't settled on the colour yet.

Warboys are courtesy of Hawk Wargames 10mm Dropzone Commander Resistance Berserker Infantry, slightly converted (thunderlances instead of the massive lump hammers - I kept the chainsaw weilding fella as it seemed very in theme) and very scarily unbased and pinned to the cars. They are remarkably detailed for 10mm sculpts, but that does mean that they are also very dainty and pinning the feet just wasn't possible, so after some drastic experimentation, I just removed a leg completely, pinned directly into the body and sculpted a new leg around the wire. Drastic, but it worked surprisingly well. The lances are different thicknesses of wire, although those on the cars are thicker as they kind of form a roll cage.

The VW was a little plastic model from Germany via eBay - it was a pack of 10, although one died as I attempted to spike it up for the Buzzards. a couple will be used for the back of the War Rig when that ever happens.

Now the VW's were bog standard looking jobbies, so wheels were replaced, and (quite proud of this one) a larger engine fitted with an exposed rear (thanks Google images). The engine is a 1/160 V8 that I tracked down in Japan, frame and exhausts from wire. I've a few more of those for various purposes in this project. But a gratuitous rear shot as I'm quite chuffed:

I'm going to need more bits from Hawk Wargames I reckon - some very useful bits there, but for a start, I'm happy with these 3 Doom Buggy proxies.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Mad Max: Thunder Road

Like pretty much everyone in the hobby, Mad Max was a major inspiration, unfortunately practicallity meant doing the 28mm versions doing the various rounds was just too big a project to store along with everything else (besides my brother got custody of Dark Future when we grew up and moved out) - although the two version of Furiosa out there are both getting bought at some point...

Anyway, as I think I've mentioned in some older posts, I've rediscovered boardgames in a big way, so this dovetails nicely with this:

The base game is fine and the copy I picked up is only lacking one gyrocopter, but of course although the obvious inspirations with the not-Interceptor and the not-Humungous Wagon, it wasn't Max enough for me. After looking around I plumped for some lovely US N scale (1/160) railway stuff which had the kind of cars that would fit the look of the film. These are much smaller than the game cars which is fine by me as I have some thoughts about tweaking the rules for boarding actions, and you can get two of these cars side by side in the same space which works for me - there are also some lovely rigs and even a bigfoot in this scale so planning ahead I'm set. 

There is actually a 1/160 V8 Interceptor on Shapeways, but that is not as detailed and around £8 so sod that for a whim, Unfortunately, there is a lack of Ford Falcons at this scale, so I picked up a reasonably close match (an '82 Chevy Camaro) and g/s'd the crap out of it. I bought some extra tires as well (4x4 off road and larger lorry tires) to replace the more flimsy looking in scale street tires they all come with. The gunner is a British Falklands War MG from Pendraken in 10mm, heavily cut down and needing a bit more work at the moment. These will proxy as Avengers (Thunder Road's Interceptor proxies) in the game:

I need to source some suitable figures for Warboys on the back of the Doom Buggy proxies:

The exhausts are the narrowest plastic rod I have kicking about and I have some very narrow nesting tube on the way for lances. And just to give the size some perspective:

The size is a bit of a mixed blessing, but allows me to do some rough converting and so far I'm quite happy. This is a major long haul though, as I need to slowly acquire all the vehicles I want - two Doom Buggies instead of the boardgames one, various different cars for the Eliminators, including an idea for Pole Cats if I can find some suitable figures (N scale mountaineers seem possible)... and of course a War Rig. Time will tell.