Thursday 27 August 2020

some better pictures...

So, some vastly improved pictures of the churchyard and as I got the board out added on some other bits that were to hand. I’ve not shown the fields before, there nothing fancy and you can find plenty of tips on doormat wheat fields elsewhere... I was quite lucky in that I found a company on eBay that did sample squares for 99p each, perfectly sized for small fields.

Angel’s playmates...

“Dreadful things are commonplace and mere children commit the foulest deeds.”

Quick paint jobs to finish figures started years ago, Angel’s followers from Blood On Satan’s Claw - a mix of the village children and the elderly that played her games and sacrificed toward the construction of the demon.

First up, the elders and the young lad - three Warlord Games figures (two from the ECW Clubmen set and one from the Ancient Celts range with a greenstuff apron and bonnet/hair if memory serves - it was a long time ago) and the old man from Hasslefree with g/s puffling pants loose hose and untucked shirt. The older clubman woman had a bit of a miscast hand, so in keeping with the sacrifices made, I lopped it off and g/s some bandages...

And the children, these three are from Hasslefree, again with g/s puffling pants on the boy.

And then three from Reaper, again g/s puffling pants on what is otherwise a generic medieval fantasy look. The nightshirted boy and the baby are personal favourites. Silly little figures.

These were painted in the heatwave a week or so ago, quite pleased that was even possible to paint them, but couldn’t varnish or flock them because of the same heat, so they had to wait and then got side tracked by the churchyard...

The family portrait at the top included Angel, her demon and an old druidess figure that I painted yonks ago and has migrated into this project as she kind of fits. I think she’s from Warlord but not completely sure, I just like the naked old witch vibe that fits Angel’s followers.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Finished Churchyard preview pics

Just a couple of quick pictures of the finished churchyard. Planning a proper photo session but this is not going to fit in the light box.

Had a bit of a problem with the grass. Initially I had the usual dirt tracks and bare patches but it didn’t look right, especially as the tracks were around the edge of the inset footprint as opposed to the edge of the church itself. I also discovered after I’d flocked it that I had the dirt recipe wrong and the soil in the yard didn’t match the soil around the church. Some sepia wash on the exposed dirt on the church levelled out the contrast a bit better, but I reflocked anyway and covered some of the exposed dirt so it matched the yard better. The grass is not brilliant, but if I don’t leave it alone I will fuck it up even more... sigh...

Sunday 2 August 2020

May Queen...

And another recruit for the Mad Mummers, the May Queen - one of several lovely minis from Crooked Dice... it’s very en vogue to go chiffon with these, but, although chiffon existed (just) in the 17th century, it was silk and bloody expensive. It would also date the mini if I go Ancients or something...

The Red Right Hand

A completion of an old thought... started these guys years ago as additional hunters - my thinking was a  rival government group to the more freelance hunters. They are all Warlord Games minis with varying degrees of green stuff to vary the single pose soldiers. The leader is the Warlord Games Cardinal Richelieu with extra hair. They are a bit quick and sloppy admittedly with an overall dark colour scheme, but the pictures aren’t doing them any favours...

EDIT: And some better pics: