The cavalryman is from Perry. Unlike the Perry French they don’t do a dismounted sprue, so had to get one of the metal ones. I picked up a single sprue for the cavalryman and modified one of the French horses, so the bedroll looked more like the British one, the rest I put down to looted gear.
Sunday 10 December 2023
More British for The Silver Bayonet
Thursday 7 December 2023
CD bases
So, November got away from me. Some more Silver Bayonet figures on the horizon, just need to varnish. In the meantime, a recent post on the Silver Bayonet Facebook page reminded me I did a load of CD scatter terrain a while back and never shared it. I’ve added a tag of CD Bases to old posts just to highlight them. These are mainly standard CDs, with the very last of the mini CDs I had stashed.
Rocks are tree bark from Geek Gaming Scenics, with some spiral carved rocks from Fenris Games. A slightly modified (it was a miscast freebie from the ever generous Ian) mausoleum is also from Fenris Games. Other scatter is intended to give a more blasted heath feel, with slight dirt uplifts and broken ground. I cut back on the flowers for those ones. Anyway, photo dump…
Saturday 21 October 2023
Sci-fi City Block WIP 5
Sunday 8 October 2023
Friday 29 September 2023
Sci-fi City Block WIP 3
Art Deco eagles for a Mega-City One flavour. The eagle heads are from a TTCombat building corner gargoyle set, which I can no longer find on their site now. Pimped them up with various precut MDF pieces from eBay for the body and wings.
Lord Summerisle was weekending on my desk.
Monday 25 September 2023
Sci-fi City Block WIP 2
So… yeah, bigger than planned, but I’m liking it. Feels right. Hope the paint job feels as right. Planning on setting specific magnetised signs and statues to keep it flexible.
Saturday 19 August 2023
Sci-fi City Block
Part of my vague Mega-City terrain, a corner piece to represent a cityblock or any building really. Made with a foam base structure, chipboard/cardboard cladding, then thin plasticard on the board to allow panels and greebles… the Maelstrom’s Edge greeble sprue will come in handy. Random unfinished block gang member for scale.
Tuesday 25 July 2023
Sci-fi urban tiles
Sunday 16 July 2023
More vampires…
More changelings…
So, I was a changeling short for the base rules and ordered the standing blight from the same Etsy seller who ended up sending me another crouching one as well. All set for changeling needs now.
Wednesday 26 April 2023
British and French recruits
British and French Marines. The Royal Marine was actually a figure I first made for my deserter bandit idea, but that was improved (see earlier post), but I really liked the pose, so lost the deserter head, cleaned up his whites and converted a RM top hat from a spare Perry shako head, due to his deserter background he has a random side bag and his pack is from the Victrix Highlanders I have. It’s been a while but I think the arms are Victrix Highlander as well on a Perry body. The French Marine is from the Perry Elite French sprue, which has the fancier hats, although those plumes like to snap.
British and French Grenadiers. Pretty much straight from the sprue.
Investigation markers
Another abandoned cannon
Monday 3 April 2023
A French Unit
No fluff for these yet, but painted the French unit.
The officer is from a Victrix sprue with a Perry head. Sadly the Victrix sprue isn’t brilliant, but this figure was fine.