Sunday 28 October 2012

the Nine Sisters

a Salute purchase, a resin stone circle from the Square... on the face of it, a stone circle is easy enough to make yourself, but for £4 it's a hell of a lot less effort...

I added a base to the resin cast, just to help even out a slight kink (hey £4), and to give the entrance to the circle a more gradual slope...

base was textured, painted to match the other groundwork I have... I tend to go grey for stones, but wanted something different here to make it stand out (and many stone circles tended to have travelled some distance), so went with GW Karak Stone, drybrushed with GW whatever it's called now Bone... bit of dark tone wash and job done... grass, grass tufts and then flowers... may be over done for some, but I wanted an effect similar to the Rohirrim burial mounds in Lord of the Rings...

it's a generic, unscaled item on the Square's website, but works well for a small circle in 28mm...