Sunday 27 January 2013

January update

sigh... I had something, I really did, despite January mainly being occupied by constantly playing Red Dead Redemption, I painted something... but have run out of dullcote, so that will now have to wait til payday - I knew there was a reason I put some on my Christmas list, not exciting I know, but would have been handy...

anyway, that fun addition to the Folk Horror stuff aside, have also been g/s'ing away on various things - additions to the Mad Mummers for the Folk Horror project and a rather consuming new project...

most of the required bits are made (shoulder eagle, shoulder pad, helmet) or awaiting some chopping (Lawgivers), just need some chins and I can start cutting arms into suitable Judge poses... oh, just need to sort out the holsters as well - they won't be perfect copies, but I should have a few movie Judges at my disposal if I have the patience to do them all... it's the arms that will be the real graft though... I could show some pics, but again, I'd rather show them off when they are a bit closer to finished... sadly, my attempt a Anderson hasn't quite worked...

and finally, have been inspired to look at the pub for the Folk Horror stuff again - by, of all things, a song by Bellowhead.