Saturday, 15 August 2009

The Hedge of Destruction

(sorry couldn't resist)*

ok... so the scenery slowly trudges along with some hedges... I've had two grand plans for scenery - the main and first one was always for some urban scenery but that takes up a hell of a lot space with buildings and so on... the second was rural, the beauty of it being I already have some grass gaming tiles and the majority of it becomes universal - hedges exist in the alien invaded English countryside for Doctor Who and in wherever I decide my fantasy stuff exists...

these are rapidly looking like my first ever finished proper bit of scenery... they're made from industrial polisher pads from eBay (have loads left as well), plasticard bases and balsa for the stiles, gate and posts...

this is where I am with them now... had a fun time with the scatter grip and the flock... that stuff is great... although it appears to help stick the flock somehow in places where I didn't put any, so the gaps I left aren't always visible... most obvious on the upper of the two gateways... I will let it cure and see if it gives up more loose stuff...

so... just need to add the foliage now... downside as I've just discovered is I don't have anything to keep the foliage in once I open the packs, so that may have to wait til after a trip to Poundland... which means that in the meantime I get to work on UNIT's latest bit of kit...

*very sad Doctor Who pun if you didn't know...