Monday 16 January 2023

Silver Bayonet vampire…

And the vampire hussar Madame La Nuit from Black Pyramid Gaming (who also do lots of useful Napoleonic horror characters). Not a very colourful figure as I went with the uniform for the Deaths Head Hussars, but a fun figure if you can handle the braid and lace.


Silver Bayonet ghoul

A 3D print from Etsy, it’s sold as a vampire and I was going to use it as such, but realised the feral nature of the mini lent itself more to the ghoul. The broken plinth is from the Renedra graveyard sprue and just gave it a bit of height.


And some adversaries…

And a couple of Goatkin from Crooked Dice. Despite earlier plans I think these may end up doing duty as hobgoblins for the Silver Bayonet.


Some quick Silver Bayonet reinforcements…

Not brilliant photos, and the sailor has a really weird face, but a native scout and a sailor as options for the Silver Bayonet.

The scout of course is the excellent Magua from Last of the Mohicans that I did previously for my Folk Horror hunters by Conquest Miniatures. I tried to do a more movie accurate paint job this time round, with black leggings and cloth and war paint. The sailor is from the handy Perry Royal Navy landing party set that provided my Lord Summerisle, Mr z Lennox and Dr Ewan, so as he was kicking about…