Sunday 14 April 2013

Urban Judges WIP

conversion WIP... still a bit to do, some cleaning up, couple of superglue splurges, but on the whole I'm quite chuffed...

buggered about with Mantic Corporation Marines, cut down GW Cadian pattern Las Pistols, GW Chaos Militia shotgun, press mold of a Mongoose Dredd (as my original plan to use clix dredd heads was ruined by the fact they were mahoosive), greenstuffed shoulder pads and badges...

I gave up on holsters, they don't really stand out in the film, but they bloody did to fit that Lawgiver on the mini, so skipped it completely (hence g/s pouch where a pouch was removed) especially as the Judge with the shotgun doesn't even have a holstered Lawgiver in the film, so he got the grenades, obviously some kind of support role.

Monday 8 April 2013

and March went where exactly?

OK, have fallen short there with March - so much for at least an update a month... but in my defence, I'm waiting for loads of stuff to arrive - I need some Judge helmets to finish my Urban Judges - waiting on an order from Wayland Games, waiting on some goodies from Ainsty to do some new buildings, need to sort out a church before I start on my graveyard as it will need to fit... I did dig out my Draconians though for some reason, the female noble is quite nicely done (ears are a bit iffy though) and I'm quite chuffed with the paper construct bodyguard... just need to get in a painting mood there...