Wednesday 20 February 2013


OK, this may be a bit silly, the wrong side of the Atlantic and maybe fifty years early, but then what the hell...

Warlock is a surprisingly good bit of 80's nonsense and, Satanic time storm and the bit with nipple eyes aside, actually has a fair bit of proper 17th century magic in it... of course, that goes by the time they did the sequel (which also had Jedi Druids and Stonehenge in California and I can't escape the feeling the 3rd one was filmed in Norfolk), but for this one there is a fair bit of folklore involved - even nails into the witches footprint...
a good example is the main ingredient for a flying balm - in this case the fat of an unbaptised child... ok, the Malleus Maleficarum, or at least my translation, has it down as the limbs of an unbaptised child, but boiling the whole child down has a bit more panache... so here he is, in flight...

I didn't want the mini too high from the base, so it could still fit in buildings and so on. I also originally planned something of a more arms out pose, but then that made him look like he was jumping up, and the crossed arms is a tad more arogant...

I must admit, I'm not 100% with the conversion work (Warlord ECW infantryman, Warlord Zulu for the feet) or the paint job, and having acquired some dullcote (and all but finished Red Dead Redemption) may have rushed the last bit and duffed the face a wee bit... but anyway, it's silly...