and it's done... as much as I can do with it really... not 100% happy with the thatch, had to avoid a too yellow/brown, so ended up using a Vallejo Green Grey and Green Ochre, I kind of like the finish, it has a dirty, old look, and as a first attempt at thatch, hey...

woodwork is GW Graveyard Earth (or whatever they call it now), drybrushed with varying bits of different greys and washed with Devlan Mud and variably drybrushed again... the render is GW Bleached Bone, drybrushed with Skull White and then the edges washed with Ogryn Flesh... the interior colours are the same... the windows are from the 4ground details set and are just the Foundry black triad...

the interior now has a Tudor settle (the correct name of which I found out googling images for Tudor benches), scratchbuilt from balsa... this is fixed, but the hollow nature of the bottom means it doesn't really impede any figure placement... a late thought was to take a mold of the settle with some Siligum so I can do some more for other buildings in resin... but I'll do another more fancy one for that I think... the door is balsa and card and g/s and is loosely hinged into the wall, so it can be open or closed or removed (pops out lovely)...

plenty of room still inside, have some barrels that may make an appearance in one corner, but don't want to clutter it too much... but don't want an empty box either...

the ladder was cut short to fit the wall, the other half is attached to the next floor and gives a nice continous run when the top floor is in place...

not much to say about the upstairs, did make a box bed, but it takes up alot of room, even if it is away from the window... may rethink that have maybe some bedding/matress straight on the floor, that way it has some detail and figures can still go where they will... I put in a couple of timbers along the wall with some balsa, just to hide the wall/roof join, I could have done more, but figured it would do...