another recruit for the witch barbecue...

lovely little figure from The Assault Group, available as a freebie with orders... a couple of quirks though caused a bit of head scratching... the tip of the musket is below the level of the integral base, so couldn't level him out very easily which meant a bit of undulating terrain... also, I was surprised the raised visor wasn't seperate, god knows how they managed to cast that... but it made paint past that and the hands a chore...

as he's wearing the wrong jacket, my plans to Ian Ogilvy him up a bit went out of the window and I was forced to actually google some reference pics rather than just watch a DVD... buff jacket and some more puritan troos seemed the order of the day... and he matches his mate a bit...

tried something a bit different with the base and used some static grass and the usual tufts... I quite like it, gives a kind of moor feel to it I reckon... but I have never liked basing so hey...