a peak at the ruined tower destined for the Frother's table at Salute 2010... still needs some bits finishing, but wanted to get some pics up for the Feb entry and just to show I've not been completely twiddling my fingers...

the whole tower is 17.5 inches tall, scratch built from foamcore, card, balsa and kitty litter... windows and embossed foamcore from Antenociti... hard to get a decent full length pic, so this will have to do...
Very nice indeed - That 000 brush really brings out the detail as well!
An amazing scratch build!
that was only for the window frames : ) the rest was a big fat brush
Looks super cool, and I'm sure it'll be great fun to play on. I hope to hear tales of lots of plummeting after the day. =)
Very nice!
We have similar screen names O_O
similar? they're the same and I'm wondering how that can be...
I dunno O_O but apparently we both like Doctor who and Eddie izzard :D so it's all good
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