still working on his ride, but a quickie for the UNIT pilot...

after trying just the visor shield and giving him a logo (all very Top Gun), but that didn't work so finally settled on the familar UNIT mustard for the helmet... tried mirrored shades as well, but they didn't look right either, so stayed with black (which helps hide the fact that the face is slightly off centre in the helmet)...
need to varnish and then finish the base, but July was looking bare as I've been doing stuff, but not finishing much...
the figure is from the Mo-Fo Mogadishu range, have plans for the wounded downed pilots in the same pack...
Seriously dig the helmet, AEG- any bigger images of this chap?
the original pic is bigger, but paint jobs need to be seen at a size that reflects how you want them to be seen... very unforgiving things are pictures...
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