Sunday, 23 June 2013

first floor WIP

first floor walls up... I haven't quite decided on windows in that end wall just yet, or door placement for the room at the top of the stairs, so those need working on...

I couldn't do balsa for floorboards as normal, due to the thickness, so I bit the bullet and carved the floor boards into the foampvc for the first floor, quite chuffed with the finish...

I also redid the stairs, made from scratch from foampvc, toothpicks, plasticard and a cocktail stick, which means they match the ones I had to make for the access to the attic.


Thib-0 said...

That's a great start! Really professionally done. Keep up the fantastic work.

Allison M. said...

Wow, this is amazing work. I bet you could make sick doll houses if that was your thing.